Serious Games, Multimodal Storytelling, Playful Media
CoCreate Programm, HS 2023
Modulgruppe: CoCreate - Woche 45 - MO-FR
Wahlpflichtmodul, Semester 1/3/5, 2 ECTS
Version: 2023-05-09
Why so serious?! Has learning not always taken place through serious games and narratives in a performative setting, and have various forms of knowledge not always been conveyed through sensory experiences? In this course as a diverse community of learners/players, we choose socially relevant topics and build on methodological approaches (including but not limited to ethnography, scenography, performance studies and interaction design) toward developing serious games. Key themes will be exploration, interaction, and immersion. In analog, hybrid and digital settings, we deepen competencies in playing from a social and cultural perspective, engage in multimodal storytelling (text, artifacts, audio, video, olfaction, etc) and game design. The serious game provides a performative framework with comprehensible strategies and roles; it underlines the immersive character of the narrative: complex contexts are made accessible, everyday life and different realities are being enacted - from one's own and other perspectives. Ways of knowing are memorized when connected with interwoven levels of embodied perception and through affective reactions to immersive moments. In the ambiguous, fluid spaces between identification, empathy, distance and reflection, we take up the challenge in a serious and playful way.
will be provided on Teams and addresses the following areas: Storytelling in Design Critical Gaming Interaction Design Playful Media Spatial Narratives Cyberfeminism Speculative Design
_conveying storytelling through playful media _engaging in developing a multimodal serious game _collaborating as a team with complementary skills and interests
will be provided on Teams and includes the following themes: Creative Writing Storytelling in Design Game Theory Interactive Games Playful Media
• Termin: letzter Tag • Setting: Gruppe, analog • Leistungsbewertung: erfüllt/nicht erfüllt • Gewichtung: Aktive Teilnahme (50%), Präsentation (50%)